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Security Guard For Schools

School Security Services

More and more frequently, educators are adding security measures to their schools. A school resource officer is one of these measures. Understanding why schools choose to hire resource officers is important, whether you have a child who attends school with a resource officer or you are a school administrator thinking about hiring someone for your own school.

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“An amazing security company that is very veteran friendly with a security force who are licenced, well trained, and highly dedicated guards/officers! They have a lot of experience working any type of security job and always work closely with their clients to ensure they are getting the precise service they require.”
– Jeremy Fuller


What is a School Resource Officer?

A school security officer works directly with the school to ensure the safety of students, faculty and other staff members. The officer is part of the school’s community and has many different duties and expectations. They are not just security guards. The security resources officer has three main roles: the law enforcement officer, the law counselor and the law educator.



A resource officer for school security has many different duties. They interact with all members of the school community. They do much more than just monitor and address hostile situations. Some duties of the school resource officer include:

  • Working with school administrators to ensure a safe school environment
  • Enforcing state and local laws as well as school policies
  • Building relationships with students to prevent juvenile delinquency
  • Patrolling the school and grounds and addressing anything suspicious
  • Attending and participating in school events to be visible to students, faculty, parents and other members of the school community
  • Working with teachers to plan and teach lessons in safety and law
  • Addressing crisis or emergency situations if they are ever to occur
  • Helping with conflict resolution between students
  • Acting as a positive role model to the students
  • Making referrals to outside agencies if necessary
  • Cooperating with local police officers and other officials as needed

Unlike other security positions, the school resource officer works in one setting: the school. That means they can build relationships with the students and staff. Those relationships help them do their jobs even better. When a school resource officer has positive relationships with the entire school community, they can help facilitate greater trust within the entire organization.


Why Would You Need School Protection in Colorado Springs?

School resource officers’ presence and activity in schools often bring many benefits.

Security guards for schools keep schools safe, which gives peace of mind to the entire school community. Whether you’re a parent, student, teacher, principal, or member of the school board, knowing that there is a security guard for the school makes you feel better.

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Teachers know they won’t be expected to handle difficult situations with the school resource officer present, so they can focus on what they do — teaching kids what they need to know to succeed later in life. The students will feel safe, too, and they can better focus on the material in class.

If a school doesn’t have a resource officer, it’s the job of the principal, teachers and counselors to address bad behavior. This can be difficult for them because they have many other duties and responsibilities. When the school resource officer is there, the officer can take on the responsibility of addressing negative behavior and delinquency. The other staff members can then give more attention to their own responsibilities.

School resource officers also act as role models and unofficial counselors. Through these roles, the officers build better relationships with students. The school resource officers can help students make better decisions and help with any other issues they may be going through. Building relationships with students make school resource officers seem more approachable, and by association, students may develop better relationships with police as well.

In many communities, there is distrust between residents and police. Having a school resource officer could help these communities better understand each other and improve those relationships.

The school resource officer should also be part of what’s in the job title — a resource. These officers have a great deal of training and knowledge about safety and law. School resource officers can work with teachers to help plan and teach lessons directly in the classroom. Students can benefit from these lessons as they grow older and can make smart decisions when it comes to their safety and the safety of others.

The school resource officer is also there to be a first responder in an emergency or crisis situation. Having someone at the school with special training is helpful because it cuts down the amount of time it takes to react to the situation. Without a school safety officer, the school would have to wait for the arrival of police and other emergency personnel.

If you believe these points would help, consider bringing in a resource officer for your school’s security.


Choose Vigilant Tiger Security for School Security Services in Colorado Springs

Vigilant Tiger Security cares about your school’s safety. Our Colorado Springs school protection team is made up of young professionals who have made it their career to keep others safe and out of harm’s way. Our young and high-energy officers are perfect for the school environment.

Many members of our team have special forces training from the United States military. These veterans have seen what it takes to protect vulnerable people in difficult situations. This experience makes them the ideal fit for school protection in Colorado Springs.

We’re known for being some of the best in the industry. Our people know what it takes to maintain order and work through stressful situations. We always stay calm and take care of situations efficiently and effectively.

A member of our team could be your school’s new resource officer. We guarantee to keep your school and the community safe. We’ll work any shift, whether it’s working with students during the day or patrolling the school at night.

Let our team help make your school a safer place. Our dedication to safety is unparalleled. We always work professionally, and we will treat your school’s community with respect, compassion and reliability. Whatever situations may occur, you’ll know we will handle it.

Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

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